Watertown Square Study Starting Soon, Find Out About Kick-Off Event & Kitchen Table Conversations

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The effort to transform Watertown Square into a more thriving area where people walk, bike and spend time will start on Oct. 17 with a kick-off event. In late November, there will be a three day design charrette and leading up to that event a series of Kitchen Table Conversations will be held where neighbors and friends can talk about what qualities they would like to see the new Watertown Square.

The following announcement was sent out by the City of Watertown:

The City of Watertown has embarked on an ambitious plan for Watertown Square that will look at all physical and human-centered aspects of the study area, with a special emphasis on the configuration and design characteristics of the public realm — including streets, sidewalks, and open spaces — as well as the buildings that define and activate it.

The plan is intended to create the framework for a Watertown Square with lively public spaces, street designs that promote walking and biking, thriving businesses, shared public-private open spaces that are activated and expanded, and enhanced access to the Charles River. In addition, the plan will explore and recommend policies that expand housing options, incentivize public art, and encourage the reuse, enhancement, or preservation of significant historic structures. These policy tools will be folded into new zoning that will bring Watertown into compliance with the MBTA Communities law.

Join us for the public launch of the Watertown Square Area Plan on Tuesday, Oct. 17 from 6 – 8 p.m. at 64 Pleasant St.

Meet with project team representatives, including walkability guru Jeff Speck and Utile project lead Tim Love, to discuss the current condition of the Square, hear how communities can reimagine important spaces, and learn about the team’s next steps! 

Welcome Reception from 5 to 6 p.m. will include live entertainment and light bites from local Watertown Square restaurants! 

Stay tuned for more details as we continue to expand and update the project website.If you were forwarded this email and would like to sign up for our email list, fill out this Subscriber form. If you prefer not to receive future emails, please click the unsubscribe link below.

Kitchen Table Conversations

In a Kitchen Table Conversation, 6-8 people get together to talk about their questions and ideas for the Square in a fun and informal way. Hosts provide the people and the place, Watertown Community Conversations provides the facilitators and refreshments. They’ll happen mid October through mid November. 

If you’d like to be a host, fill in this form. 

One thought on “Watertown Square Study Starting Soon, Find Out About Kick-Off Event & Kitchen Table Conversations

  1. So many changes are coming to WSq, I hope someone is coordinating them all. In addition to the design of the Square itself, there is the redesign of Mt. Auburn St, the Cultural District designation, the possibility of turning the Square back into a rotary, the aggressive tree-planting campaign, even the potential removal of the Charles River Dam will have an impact. Watertown has been a figurative crossroads for centuries. Recent decades have only accentuated its role as a literal crossroads for automobile traffic. Anything and everything that can turn a cut-through into a destination should be part of the equation. Nearly 400 years of history and heritage is a lot to draw on. Let’s use it.

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