LETTER: Public Arts & Culture Committee Saddened by New Rep’s Closing

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To the Editor,

The members of Watertown’s Public Arts and Culture Committee are writing to express our sadness at the ending of operations by New Repertory Theatre and also convey our sincere appreciation to New Rep’s board and staff for their monumental contributions to the Watertown community. It is a great loss for Boston as a whole.

At the founding of the Mosesian Center for the Arts (originally known as the Arsenal Center for the Arts) over 20 years ago, New Repertory Theatre, which had outgrown its Newton home, joined forces with the Center to become its first anchor theatre company. In residence at the Mosesian Center since the Center’s opening in 2005, New Rep has been a star in the Greater
Boston theater community, owing to the vision of world class artistic directors like Rick Lombardo, Jim Petosa, and Michael Bobbitt, and the operational leadership of Harriet Sheets.

During the last few difficult years of the pandemic, we have been especially grateful for the talented team of Maria Hendricks, Lois Roach, Michael Hisamoto, and Angelica Potter, who kept the theatre performing, forward thinking, and relevant. Though we look forward to theatre offerings continuing at the Mosesian Center for the Arts, we will miss the distinctive productions and voice of New Rep.

We thank the many community minded, generous board members, and contributors who loved and supported New Rep for 40 years and enabled us all to participate in the magic of live theatre.  

With gratitude,
Roberta Miller
Chair of Watertown Public Arts and Culture Committee

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