LETTER: Watertown Group Calling for End of Hostilities in Palestine & Israel

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The Peace and Common Security Working Group of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment and Massachusetts Peace Action will be sponsoring a Standout for Humanitarian Aid, Ceasefire, and Negotiations.

We seek an end to the hostilities and killing in Palestine and Israel. Killings and oppressions by whatever means in the Middle East are unjustifiable. This includes murder, taking of hostages, holding political prisoners, bombing of civilian targets, blockades, unlawful annexations of land, harassments by illegal settlers, and withholding of humanitarian aid. The current position of most American politicians who support the Israeli government unconditionally is equally unjustifiable.

End the Killing in Palestine, Gaza, and Israel

Sunday, November 19
1:00 PM – Silent Stand Out
2:15 PM – Speakers

Friends in Arlington, Belmont, Newton, Cambridge, Waltham, & Boston


Watertown Square, Watertown

(Public parking in lot behind CVS)

PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN SIGN or Come at 12:30 PM to Make a Sign

Suggestions for signs – Let Gaza Live, End US Funding for Apartheid, Demand a Ceasefire,
Human Rights for All, No War Crimes, Stop the Massacre in Gaza, End the Killing in Gaza and Israel, End US Support for the Illegal Occupation, Stop the Killing, and Let there be Peace. Contact: watertowncitizens@gmail.com

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