The following announcement was provided by Church of the Good Shepherd:
Do you love to sing with others? Do you enjoy singing seasonal church music? If so, you’re warmly invited to join the Advent and Christmas choir at Church of the Good Shepherd.
We rehearse every Sunday in Advent at 9 a.m. and then sing at the 10 a.m. service. This year Advent Sundays are on December 3, 10, 17, and 24. We’ll also hold a festive Christmas Eve service the evening of December 24. Everyone is welcome, regardless of talent or experience, and you don’t need to attend all four Sundays.
Good Shepherd is located at 9 Russell Avenue in Watertown, at the corner of Mt. Auburn Street. Questions? call (617) 924-9420 or check us out at GoodShepherdWatertown.org.