Boston Bruins Players Visit Watertown to Buy Toys for Kids

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Members of the Boston Bruins used some of their time off the ice to visit Target in Watertown to purchase toys to donate to children.

Left wing Jake DeBrusk, forward Charlie Coyle, and goalie Jeremy Swayman scoured the aisles looking for items for children in local hospitals, according to the report by WBZ Radio.

The toys were purchased with donations from the Bruins players as well as the Boston Bruins Foundation.

Frequent shoppers at Target may have run into DeBrusk before, who said that he has been at the Watertown location multiple times to buy toys for kids.

See the full WBZ Radio report by clicking here.

The Bruins Foundation also recently took part in the dedication of the new outdoor rink to PFC Richard Moxley near Watertown Middle School. They donated a set of street hockey equipment to the Watertown Recreation Department.

Last year, Bruins players have also visited Perkins School for the Blind to play some goal ball. The B’s donned eye covering so they could only hear the ball, and took on the Perkins goal ball team.

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