Watertown Artist Shares Artwork & Artist Books at Library Exhibit

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The T. Ross Kelly Gallery at the Watertown Free Public Library is hosting “Constructed” – an exhibit featuring artwork and artist books by Watertown resident, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, January 3, 2024, through February 28, 2024.

All of the artworks in this exhibit were constructed – from the literal forming of flat paper into three-dimensional books, to the careful placement of shape, line, and color in the abstract work on display.

Julie Fei-Fan Balzer

Balzer shares her perspective on the creative process, stating, “For me, the process of making art is the process of bringing together various elements and discovering how they change each other once in combination. These visual constructions are similar to the experience of forming a lively dinner party, where you must consider how to seat guests.”

Art enthusiasts, patrons, and the community are all invited to visit “Constructed,” now through February 28, 2024

A bathroom cabinet with stone basin byJulie Fei-Fan Balzer.

Event Details:

  • Title: Constructed
  • Artist: Julie Fei-Fan Balzer
  • Location: T. Ross Kelly Gallery, Watertown Public Library
  • Date: January 3, 2024 – February 28, 2024
  • Exhibit webpage is HERE.

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