Sen. Brownsberger Seeks Input Through Online Gun Survey

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Wikimedia Commons / Chensiyuan Massachusetts State House.

With the Massachusetts State Senate State to soon be taking up legislation on guns and firearms, Sen. Will Brownsberger seeks input via an online survey.

Sen. Brownsberger sent out the following announcement:

Please take a few minutes to complete my survey on guns.

The survey asks 26 true-false questions about feelings, opinions, and factual understandings on guns, gun violence, and gun laws. The survey is anonymous.

We will be debating gun legislation in the senate sometime soon and I will also be inviting you to an open dialog about gun policy within the next week or two.  This survey will help define context for that dialog.  Your survey participation is important to me whether or not you plan to participate in that dialog.

Thank you in advance.

Will Brownsberger, State Senator
Fenway, Allston, Brighton, Watertown, Belmont, West Cambridge

Visit for news.

2 thoughts on “Sen. Brownsberger Seeks Input Through Online Gun Survey

  1. It’ll be interesting seeing whats in the Senate bill. Gun control laws in this state are too strict as they are and I find it troubling that the State Legislature has taken up this issue once again.

    The House version of this bill was most certainly a childish over reaction and act of defiance regarding the Supreme Courts recent ruling in the Bruen decision reaffirming citizens rights “to keep and bear arms”.

    Should this legislation pass, appealed (and it will), make it’s way through the court system and the USSC agrees to hear it, it will in all likelihood be struck down as being unconstitutional resulting in taxpayers footing the legal costs of defending legislation that should never have been enacted in the first place.

    I hope Senator Brownsburger votes ‘No’ on any new legislation, but I highly doubt that he will.

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