The following announcement was provided by the Rotary Club of Watertown:
The Rotary Club of Watertown is delighted to announce the return of our most highly anticipated annual event! We humbly ask that your business or organization consider offering your support as we raise funds to support our keystone programs such as our High School Senior Scholarship program, Senior Cookout, support of local food pantries etc.
Event Presenter & Exclusive Named Sponsor: VIP tickets for 10. All event advertising will have your name along with the Rotary Club . $5,000.00 (limit one at this level)
★ Table Centerpiece Sponsor
★ Step & Repeat listing (top)
★ Business name on 100 yard signs
★ Receive at least 10 sponsor mentions on social media and Watertown Rotary website (2 unique
★ Full-page Advertisement (color) in print and digital Program book
★ Sponsor mention in print & digital Program Book
★ 5-minute speech/spotlight during the event
Gold: VIP tickets for 5. $2,500.00
★ Step & Repeat listing
★ Receive at least 5 sponsor mentions on social media and Watertown Rotary website
★ 1⁄2 page Advertisement (color) in print & digital Program Book
★ Verbal sponsorship acknowledgment during the event
★ Sponsor mention in print & digital Program Book
Silver: 2 VIP tickets. 1000.00
★ Step & Repeat listing
★ 1 sponsor mention on social media and the Watertown Rotary website
★ 1⁄4 page Advertisement (color) in print & digital Program Book
★ Sponsor mention in print & digital Program Book
Friend: $250.00 – $500.00
★ Sponsor mention in print & digital Program Book
★ Sponsor name on Watertown Rotary Website
For more information contact watertownrotaryclub@gmail.com