Dear Republican Voter:
March 5, 2024 is a very important day for the future of the Republican party in Massachusetts. That is the day the Republicans will vote fo r their candidate for President. But almost as important, it is the day that they will also vote for their Representatives on the Massachusetts Republican State Committee.
As you may recall I was honored to serve in that position from 2012 until 2021, when I left to move with my family to Virginia. However, I still care deeply about the district and the Republican Party in MA. It is for that reason that I am proudly supporting John Umina of Belmont for Republican State Committee Man and his wife Cathy Umina for Republican State Committee Woman.
Both John and Cathy are longtime Republican and longtime Republican activists. They have consistently worked for strong conservative Republican causes. Be it the Second Amendment, securing the border or tax reform, John and Cathy are always on the right side of the issue.
So please get out and vote on March 5, 2024. And I hope you will stand with me in support of John Umina and Cathy Umina.
Thank you
Steve Aylward
Former State Committeeman Suffolk and Middlesex District.
Will they reinstate the former disgraced DSC leadership? The GOP used to be able to win elections in Massachusetts: Weld, Cellucci, Romney, Baker. Not anymore!
I wish we had a real republican party instead of one that said and did more than just throw out the same empty words over and over again. “They have consistently worked for strong conservative Republican causes. Be it the Second Amendment, securing the border or tax reform” is just meaningless. Take the border for instance, if you looked at WHY people are coming to the border Then you would not need to spend the billions of dollars on things that will never work like walls ( there is no wall that can stop people from cutting through, going over or going around) Or the Second amendment, guns do not create safety or peace, just the opposite. Guns are toys for sick children who never grew up. Then there is tax reform… republicans have only promoted reform for the wealthy. That is not a party that is focused on a better democracy or a better America. I really really wish there was another party that wanted to compete with the democratic party to make America better rather than just to trash the other side. I’m sorry to report to you dear republicans, the republican party has become a danger to democracy and the American people. When you lose this will be why.