The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Library:
All parents can, on occasion, use help in communicating with their children, especially with teens. Wayside Youth and the Teen Department of the Watertown Free Public Library will be offering a free series for parents who sometimes get stymied when they try to talk about the difficulties, high expectations, and other stressors their teens experience during adolescence.
The workshops will be held March 7, April 4, and May 2 at 6:00 p.m. at the Watertown Free Public Library. Discussion topics on these evenings include how and why there are such difficulties communicating, how parents can deal with their stress when they talk to their teens, and what resources in Watertown are available to assist them. One evening, there will be a panel of teens who will talk about their perspective and about the barriers they experience when talking to their parents.
Registration is encouraged and can be done by going to bit.ly/LibTalkTeens. Please call the Teen Department at 617-972-6437 for more information.
About WFPL
The Watertown Free Public Library provides access to a wide variety of popular materials, resources, services, and programs that fulfill the informational, cultural, and recreational needs of Watertown and surrounding communities. Our Library works to create an environment that attracts and welcomes users of all ages and abilities. watertownlib.org