Marshall Home Fund Accepting Applications for Grants to Serve Older Watertown Residents

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The Marshall Home Fund announced it is accepting applications for its Program Grants to organizations that serve older Watertown residents.  See the description and guidelines provided by the organization below.

Program Grants

We annually award modest program grants to public agencies,  private non-profits, and town departments serving adults 55 and older. The services and programs provided through grant funds must directly benefit Watertown residents. We fund innovative projects to support Watertown’s efforts to be an Age-Friendly Community—a place where older adults can live, thrive and contribute. 

Grant awards are made to fund projects for a twelve (12) month period, which may begin at any time during the calendar year. By awarding any particular grant, the Marshall Home Fund in no way implies that ongoing grants will be made for the same purpose, although recipients may reapply in the future.

The 2024 Program Grant applications will be due on March 26, 2024. Please see the Grant Application Guidelines and download a copy of the 2024 Application.

Evaluations: 2023 grantees are required to submit an Evaluation Form for 2023 Program Grants within a year of receiving their award, or by March 26, 2024 if applying for a 2023 grant.

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