Work Moving Ahead on New High School, Likely to Extend Into the Evening Some Days

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The steel frame of the gymnasium at the new Watertown School before the slab is placed on the area in early April. (Courtesy of Vertex)

The following announcement was provided by Watertown’s project management firm, Vertex:

The new WHS Project Site remains busy as the site preparation and steel detailing continues. Above is a current view of the steel erection progress (view of the new gymnasium space) ahead of our upcoming slab on deck placement in this area next week.

We have several slab placements on the schedule for next week proposed for the following dates:

  • Monday April 1st : Gymnasium
  • Wednesday April 3rd
  • Thursday April 4th

These slab placements are beginning at 7 a.m. on each of the above dates. The duration required for the slabs to be finished is dependent on the outside air temperate and weather conditions on the day of placement. Therefore, it is likely that the effort to finish the slabs once placed will continue into the evening on each of the above listed dates and have the potential to extend past 7 p.m. into the evening, depending on weather conditions. The longest duration event is expected to be Monday, April 1, 2024 where the slab finishing process could continue up through 9 p.m. that evening (potentially)

The goal is to complete the slab placement and finishing as expeditiously as possible, but we do ask for your understanding in the event the finishing process continues into the evening.  

We look forward to sharing progress updates as work continues and appreciate the ongoing community support and your cooperation as we move through this important project milestone.

3 thoughts on “Work Moving Ahead on New High School, Likely to Extend Into the Evening Some Days

  1. How does one get these notifications directly from Vertex? I live by the school and was unaware of this schedule change until reading information here.

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