The following announcement was provided by Storefront Art Projects:
It’s the 4th Annual YardArt, a spring celebration of creativity and fun in front yards, porches and windows all over Watertown!!
Throughout April, www.storefrontartprojects.com will show collages by Cat Bennett, Marieju Dawe, Xavier Haurie and Ellen Wineberg. And we’ll again have Dianne Jenkins’ dolls made with recycled fabric and funky do-dads, colorful kids’ clothes by Helen McMullen and whimsical creations in clay and cloth by Maggie Stern. Paul Angiolillo brings back his giant pencils, and there’s multimedia art by six children and an impactful quilt by Adrienne Sloane calling out gun violence.
A reception will be held at Storefront Art Projects, 83 Spring St., Watertown, on Saturday, April 6, 1-4 p.m.
We hope you plan a visit, find an interactive YarArt website and map at www.mosesianarts.org