Students from Watertown earned academic honors at several colleges and universities in the spring of 2024.
The following information was provided by the institutions:
William & Mary
Liam McCurley from Watertown, MA was recently named to the Dean’s List at the College of William & Mary for the spring 2024 semester.
To achieve Dean’s List status, a full-time degree seeking undergraduate student must take at least 12 credit hours and earn a 3.6 Quality Point Average during the semester.
William & Mary is the second oldest institution of higher learning in the United States.
Plymouth State
Plymouth State University recognizes 379 students who made the Dean’s List for the Spring 2024 semester. To be named to the Dean’s List, a student must achieve a grade point average between 3.50 and 3.69 during the Spring 2024 semester and must have completed at least 12 credit hours during the semester, at least nine of which must confer grade points, at the time the lists are finalized.
Karys Cafua, a Elementary Ed & Youth Develop. major of Watertown, MA
Marisa Nilan, a Psychology major of Watertown, MA
University of Albany
The University at Albany has recognized Kainaat Yousuf of Watertown (02472) for selection to the Spring 2024 Dean’s List.
The Dean’s List at the University at Albany recognizes the outstanding academic achievements of full-time undergraduate students.
To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 or higher in their first semester of study and a GPA of 3.50 or higher in subsequent semesters.
James Madison
Harrisonburg resident Camndon Reed has been named to the President’s List at James Madison University for the spring 2024 semester. He graduated from Watertown High School. Students who earn president’s list honors must carry at least 12 graded credit hours and earn a GPA of 3.900 or above. Reed is majoring in Engineering
A total of 2,226 undergraduate students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) achieved the criteria required for the university’s spring 2024 Dean’s List. The criteria for the WPI Dean’s List differs from that of most other universities as WPI does not compute a grade point average (GPA). Instead, WPI defines the Dean’s List by the amount of work completed at the A level in courses and projects.
“WPI’s academic programs are rigorous and require a level of independence beyond what is required in traditional courses. WPI students work on open-ended problems for communities around the world. The problems are important and the impact is real” said Professor Arthur C. Heinricher. “Some of this nation’s best and brightest students come to WPI to study engineering and science and business and the humanities. Those named to the Dean’s List have excelled in all of their work, and we are exceptionally proud of these outstanding students.”
The following students were named to the Dean’s List for Spring 2024:
Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick, of Watertown, Massachusetts, class of 2027, majoring in Biomedical Engineering
Aidan Flanagan, of Watertown, Massachusetts, class of 2026, majoring in Civil Engineering
Salve Regina
Jesse Cavarretta of Watertown was named to the Dean’s List during the Spring 2024 academic semester at Salve Regina University. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must earn a semester grade point average of 3.6 for full-time students completing at least 12 graded credits, or a semester grade point average of 3.8 for part-time students completing at least six credits.
Bryant University
Bryant University is pleased to recognize the students who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to academic excellence and achievement and have been named to the Spring 2024 Deans’ List.
To earn a place on the Deans’ List, students must have a GPA of 3.4 or better for at least 12 semester hours of work. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!
Dario Christie of Watertown, MA (02472)
Donald MacMillan of Watertown, MA (02472)
Saint Anselm
Saint Anselm College student Kristen Coleman of Watertown, MA, a Theology major in the class of 2026 has been accepted into the Alpha Lambda Psi Chapter of Theta Alpha Kappa, the only national honor society for religious studies and theology, for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Membership in Alpha Lambda Psi is by invitation. Students must be enrolled full-time with a major or minor in theology, have completed at least three semesters of their bachelors program, be in completion of four theology courses (for sixteen credits) taught by SAC instructors, possess a 3.5 GPA average in theology courses, 3.0 GPA overall, and rank in the upper 35 percent of their class.
Theta Alpha Kappa was established in 1976 at Manhattan College in Riverdale, New York, for the purpose of recognizing the academic excellence of students in the fields of religious studies and theology. To date there are more than 350 chapters nationally.
Emmanuel College
In recognition of their outstanding academic achievement, Emmanuel College has named more than 800 students to the Dean’s List for the Spring 2024 semester. To earn a spot on the Dean’s List, Emmanuel students must achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for a 16-credit semester.
Lena Karaguesian of Watertown (02472)
Iris Egan of Watertown (02472)
Isaiah Etienne of Watertown (02472)
If you know of a college graduate or someone who earned college honors from Watertown, send the information to watertownmanews@gmail.com