Charlie Breitrose The Watertown Dam near Watertown Square slows the flow of the Charles River. A group is advocating removing the dam.
The following information was provided by the Charles River Watershed Association:
Watertown Dam, located on the Charles River, is owned and operated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has contracted an engineering consultant to perform an alternatives analysis study for potential future actions at the Watertown Dam.
In this community meeting, the DCR project team will present information on the preliminary results of the ongoing study and possible future alternatives for modifying the dam, including its removal. All community members are welcome and encouraged to attend! No registration is required.
DATE: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
TIME: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
LOCATION: Watertown Savings Bank Room (1st Floor) at the Watertown Free Public Library, 123 Main St., Watertown, MA
This is the second of two public meetings associated with the study project. Watch the recorded July 9th meeting here or check out the presentation slides.
Read more about the July 9 meeting on Watertown News by clicking here.
Why doesn’t Watertown repave Mt. Auburn Street instead?
Work will begin soon on repaving Mt. Auburn St. There is more info in this article. https://www.watertownmanews.com/2024/01/31/mt-auburn-st-project-approved-by-state-city-has-concerns-about-contractor/
Will this meeting a be a repeat of the meeting that was held on July 9th or will new information be presented?