The City of Watertown provided the following announcement:
The next steps of the Watertown Square Area Plan implementation will be to discuss and approve zoning amendments. A zoning amendment is a proposed change to the zoning requirements and map, without having to completely rewrite the zoning code. To approve new zoning, the City will hold a Joint Public Hearing with the City Council and Planning Board to discuss the proposed zoning, hear public comment, and approve new zoning amendments.
The above map is the proposed zoning map from the final endorsed Watertown Square Area Plan.
When does this next step begin?
The first step will be to complete something called a “first reading.” This is a procedural step that the City must take by presenting a matter of significance to the Council (zoning amendments in this case) and asking for them to bring it forward for further action (such as scheduling a Joint Public Hearing to discuss).
This is a precursor to most public hearings and this will happen on September 24, 2024 (you can see the agenda for that Council meeting here, where you can find the first reading attached). From there, the City Council will officially announce the date that the Joint Hearing will begin. Note that there will not be any discussion about the specific zoning during this Council Meeting on 9/24/2024.
What is the hearing schedule?
Once the first reading is completed, it is anticipated that the City Council will schedule the Joint Public Hearing to begin on October 16, 2024 in the Watertown Free Public Library at 6:30 p.m.
Additional dates, times, and locations have been tentatively set below in the case that the Joint Public Hearing is continued beyond October 16. Please see the tentative schedule below and be aware that some details might be subject to change in the case that the Hearing process continues beyond the first scheduled date, or that some of the below dates might not be necessary.
As we approach the beginning of the Joint Public Hearing, an agenda and hybrid links will be released on the project’s website and on the City’s website.
Planned Hearing Schedule
Date – Start – Time – Location
October 16, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. – Library & Hybrid
Additional Meeting Placeholders
October 17, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. – Library & Hybrid
October 21, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. – Council Chamber & Hybrid
October 30, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. – Library & Hybrid
November 12, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. – Library & Hybrid
How does this relate to the Watertown Square Area Plan that was Endorsed in July?
The Watertown Square Area Plan that was endorsed by the City Council and Planning Board in July 2024 will be a guiding document for the zoning that is being developed and discussed in the Joint Public Hearing. We recommend all who are interested to see the final endorsed Watertown Square Area Plan to learn more about the zoning proposals endorsed in the plan.
Read the Endorsed Watertown Square Plan
The above zoning map depicts the changes in zoning height between what is currently in the Watertown Square Area and the recommended zoning from the endorsed Watertown Square Area Plan.
What is the timeline of this process?
The new zoning amendments that comply with the MBTA Communities Law must be approved by the City Council and Planning Board before December 31, 2024.
Interested in learning more about the MBTA Communities Law? We recommend checking out our FAQ page on the new law.
Questions? Feel free to reach out!
For more information about the project, please visit the project website. You can also reach out via email to us at team@watertownsquareimprovements.com.
You can also contact the City directly by dialing 311 in Watertown or by calling 617-715-8660.