Watertown Citizens Monthly Meeting Focusing on War in Ukraine

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The following announcement was provided by Watertown Citizens for Peace Justice and the Environment:

A presentation – How to End the War That Didn’t Have to be Fought: While There is Still Time – at Watertown Citizens Monthly Meeting is on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 from 6:45 PM/7:00 PM until 8:30 PM/8:45 PM and it is a zoom meeting.

Please join us for a provocative and stimulating program – How to End the War that Didn’t Have to be Fought: While There is Still Time with Paul Shannon.

The presentation will look at how the Ukraine war could have been avoided, how Ukraine’s independence could have been protected, and how this war might be brought to an end. Paul will address how the dominant narrative about the war in the west has led to the ongoing destruction of Ukraine and made the world a much more dangerous place.

Paul Shannon worked for the American Friends Service Committee for 40 years and is now on the Executive Committee of Mass. Peace Action, coordinating MAPA’s campaign, Ukraine: A Time for Peace.

Here is the zoom link –
Visit watertowncitizens.org.

One thought on “Watertown Citizens Monthly Meeting Focusing on War in Ukraine

  1. I hope President Biden’s approval of Ukraine firing long-range US missiles into Russia comes up for discussion. What would be the difference between this and an official declaration of war? To Russia, none. I’m all Team Ukraine, but this is the dangerous act of a sadly diminished man who is all out of [bleeps] to give. Didn’t General Milley say he’d call his partner in China if President Trump did something like this? Reach out and touch someone in Russia, General.

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