UPDATE (Jan. 19, 4 p.m.) Organizers of Watertown’s MLK Unity Breakfast announced that Monday’s event is still on, but the start time is being delayed one hour so people have time to dig out from Sunday’s snowstorm. The breakfast is now at 9:30 a,m. and the program will start at 10 a.m.
The following announcement was provided by the World in Watertown:
World in Watertown is thrilled to invite you to the 25th annual Watertown Unity Breakfast on January 20, 2025 from 8:30-11 a.m.!
This year will be in-person at the Hellenic Cultural Center, 25 Bigelow Ave., Watertown.
A hot breakfast from Wicked Bagel will be served at 8:30 a.m. followed by music, roundtable conversations, student essays, and the presentation of the Unity Award.
Every year, the community in Watertown, Massachusetts, comes together on Martin Luther King Day to honor his life and civil right legacy by recommitting to foundational principles of racial, social and economic justice.
All ages are welcome to attend the event! The suggested donation for adult attendees is $10-$25. Youth 18 and under and those experiencing financial difficulty are welcome to attend for free.
Tickets available at https://watertownunitybreakfast.eventbrite.com
Childcare is available for children 2-10 years of age. Please register for childcare as an “add on.” Children are also welcome to attend the main program.
ASL interpretation and CART will be available, sponsored by the Watertown Disability Commission. To request additional accommodations, email worldinwatertowncity@gmail.com.
The Watertown Unity Breakfast is an initiative by World in Watertown and sponsors this year include the Watertown Community Foundation, Watertown Savings Bank, and Point32Health Foundation. Special thanks to the Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church for the use of their community space and to Wicked Bagel for providing breakfast and to the Watertown Public Schools and Watertown Police Department for their collaboration and commitment.
We are excited to be gathering together and celebrating our community. Get more information and watch videos of previous year’s at unitybreakfast.org.