The following announcement was provided by the City of Watertown:
Newport Construction is continuing to complete the drainage installation work between Arlington Street and Bigelow Avenue on the eastbound side. You can expect to see construction crews in this area from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the week ending on Feb. 7, 2025.
Traffic Impacts
There will be lane shifts and a potential lane closure during this work, which may also impact street parking in the immediate work area. Currently we do not anticipate any detours. Police detail and crew members will be on-site to help with traffic flow in both directions.
Parking Impacts
Street parking in the construction area on Mount Auburn Street during this phase may be restricted. Construction crews will post parking closure signs in those areas starting at 7 a.m. and will be removing them from the area by 5 p.m. each day. You can still find metered parking in the municipal parking lot on Wells Avenue.
The map above depicts the construction area on the eastbound side of Mount Auburn Street where drainage installation work is taking place (yellow). On-street parking will be limited, and a metered municipal parking lot can be found on Wells Avenue (blue).
Saw Cutting for Drainage and Conduit Installation Occurring Westbound From Kimball Road to School Street and Eastbound from School Street to Bigelow Avenue.
Newport Construction will start cutting into the road to prepare for drainage and conduit installation work. This work will begin westbound from Kimball Road to School Street, as well as working eastbound from School Street to Bigelow Avenue. Work will be completed in this area from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Traffic Impacts
We anticipate low traffic impacts. Police details will be on-site to direct traffic around the active saw operation. There will be no lane closures, shifts, or detours.
Parking Impacts
No parking impacts
The above map shows the area on Mount Auburn Street where saw cutting for drainage installation will take place on the eastbound and westbound sides of the streets. Minimal traffic impacts are anticipated.
Tree Protection Installation Occurring Westbound from Arlington Street to Summer Street and Eastbound from Summer Street to Arlington Street.
Newport Construction will be adding tree protection westbound from Arlington Street to Summer Street and eastbound from Summer Street to Arlington Street. Work will be completed in this area from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. There will be no traffic or parking impacts from this work.
(Note: All dates are approximate and will be dependent on weather conditions and any testing yet to be performed.)
About the Project
The Mount Auburn Street Project will transform the corridor into a Complete Street, providing safe and accessible options for all modes. This project will also provide increased efficiency on the MBTA Bus Route 71, improve traffic operations and pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, improve accessibility in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and improved aesthetics.
We will post construction schedules and other work notifications consistently on the project website, and via the City’s social media accounts. You can sign up to receive project email updates here. For questions, please visit the website’s FAQ or email the project team directly.
Why was this work done after Mt Auburn St was repaved…undoing the effort and cost of the repaving? Who made this decision not to do it before/ at the same time as the repaving? Please explain the logic, if there was any.
The repaving is temporary before the full project is finished. You can see more in the City’s announcement here https://www.watertownmanews.com/2024/11/30/watertown-to-fund-temporary-paving-of-mt-auburn-street/
Many many of us got flats from driving through the potholes on Mt Auburn Street during this lengthy project. We were extremely relieved to see the temporary paving go in. It’s already lifting in some places, but it is vastly safer than it had been. Those of us whose homes face Mt. Auburn St are also relieved at the reduction in noise now that vehicles don’t bumpity-bumpity-klunk past all day.