The following announcement was provided by MassDOT:
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing it will be hosting the third working group meeting for the Newton Corner Long Term Planning Study. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 5, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., hosted virtually via Zoom. A dedicated public information meeting will also be held on Tuesday, February 25, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
At the meeting on Wednesday, February 5, the study team will present their work on future conditions, review issues, constraints, and opportunities within the study area, and first-stage alternatives development. The meeting materials will also be available after the meeting on the study website. This will include a discussion with members of the Working Group.
Advance registration for this Wednesday, February 5 meeting is required. The Zoom registration link can be found on the study website. While this is a Working Group meeting and will be conducted as such, per open meeting law, the meeting is also open to the public.
The Newton Corner Long-Term Planning Study will develop and analyze transportation alternatives to improve the Newton Corner I-90 Interchange, located at exit 127. Building on the MassDOT Highway Division’s Newton Corner Improvements Project to implement short and mid-term improvements, this study will consider long-term means to improve safety, congestion, accessibility, mobility, connectivity, quality of life, and climate resilience in the area.
For more information, please visit the study’s website: https://www.mass.gov/newton-corner-long-term-planning-study .