By Clyde Younger
Former Watertown Council President
Last Wednesday, Jan. 31, around 9 p.m., video captured a horrific collision of two airplanes as they erupted into flame.
My mother told me that when she was eight years old her father was lighting a kerosene stove and it exploded and set him on fire; he ran, no one could catch up with him and he burned to death.
However, he was on solid ground.
One cannot imagine the horror the people on the two planes experienced as their planes came hurtling down in flames from the sky leaving an unerasable scar in the heart of their loved ones.
After the horrible accident at Reagan National Airport, in one breath Trump gave a tidbit of condolence to the families. In his second breath lied about sky safety and security in the United States.
Further, he cast unfounded blame on the outreach that the FAA has performed in employing minorities that led to the demise of the passengers and crew of both the commercial and military planes.
Trump’s comments, after this horrible air accident at Reagan National Airport, cannot be pardoned and is a bridge too far.
We know the President’s actions are inconsistent, erratic, and radical. Unbridled power has drunken him and made him think he has the sole franchise on intelligence.
I, as a Black man, reject and I do not accept his vile assertion that we are inferior and less intelligent than white people.
My parents taught us that we are not better than anyone, nor any less.
I suggest that he look in his mirror. I don’t know whether it is a Southern or Western expression, but it is said regarding asinine behavior; “Ugly is Ugly.”
This would be a good life lesson for him to learn in his old age — that is, if he is trainable.
We excuse his obscene and demeaning language toward others saying it is unprecedented and/or locker room talk.
The locker rooms that I have been in, and there have been many during my lifetime, are pansies compared to his tongue.
His language is leading America down a very vulgar road.
Trump does not respect the dead, minorities, people with disabilities, women, wounded American prisoners of war, and even Bishop Budde, who only asked for his mercy for others.
Afterward, he said she owes him an apology.
A person of cloth asking for mercy, and he says she owes him an apology? Most Christian religious leaders have yet to speak up. Is this today’s American Christianity; cowering in a dark corner afraid to speak up?
It is especially disappointing that Black church ministers have not gathered en masse after all of the actions taken against diversity and other matters. They sit idly by. One would think the Black church would be in the lead, standing against tyranny outlined in Project 2025; or, do they think God is telling them we should return to being subjects.
We have a member of Congress introducing an illegal resolution to change the Constitution so that Trump can run for a third term.
On the other hand do we see a member of either party introducing a resolution to sanction Trump’s language so that he is not free to speak profanity in front of our children? Yes, his speech is profane.
I remember, I guess it was long ago, that a child who picked up a bad word from listening to an adult would blurt it out before their parent; the parent would say “If I hear you say that again I am going to wash out your mouth with soap and water.”
This is not a goal of Make America Great Again but it would go a long way in achieving civility.
His, “I don’t give a damn,” should demonstrate to everyone that Trump does not respect you or our institutions.
It is time for all countrymen of good will to say — No mas!
Billionaires are in control of the country and a march on Washington would be meaningless. The only interest billionaires have is the almighty dollar.
Therefore, the only way to gather their attention is to hit them in their pocket books. Also, don’t allow them to question your personal worth.
We need another Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to lead us out of our morass.
I am certain he would call for a national strike of non-essential workers at a specified date and time in the near future. He would encourage you to be prepared to show our economic power.We know a shutdown of the economy is not in anyone’s interest; however, it may be the only way to get the attention of the billionaires in order for them to influence Trump that it is not in their best interest for him to continue on his path.
Dr. King would let you know that the billionaires need you and you are important and the key to their overall success. Therefore, conditions of redress should be established for preventing or ending the strike.
The billionaires should restrain Trump and help him understand that he must abandon his ill thought-out policies. A primary condition would be, on Fifth Avenue in New York City, Trump apologize to all minorities and Bishop Budde; and burn his Project 2025 book, otherwise the strike will commence on the intended date.
I have faith and believe that God, in his infinite love for his children, will open his ears regarding the need to apologize.
However, another is associated with Project 2025.
In closing, I present my grievances before my friends in my community; Democrat, Republican, and Trumpian.
I want them to know that I, as one Black, minority resident of Watertown, cannot and will not go along with the degradations of Project 2025.
While I respect your point of view, Mr. Younger, I respectfully disagree. President Trump was called to serve a country in dire need of change. Which was the case in 2016, as well, but bogus investigations robbed him of his first term. Two weeks into his second term, after the first crash of its kind since 2009, I’m not minded to entertain more misstatements of fact. He never said, and never would, that black people are “inferior and less intelligent than white people”. I’m not sure who owes whom an apology, but it is not he.
I want him to carry through on his promises to end criminal alien occupation of our cities and towns, to make America a nation of peace through strength, and, quoting Dr. King, to judge people not on the color of their skin, but the content of their character. He’ll take a lot of us—black, brown, and white—with him when he does.
Wow! The hypocrisy here is shoulder deep. Donald Trump has relied on race baiting throughout his career. Recently he blamed the air crash in Washington on DEI with not a shred of evidence. Are you trying to tell me this wasn’t a dog whistle? And the Haitians eating dogs and cats. The MAGA world is powered by lies.
I find it hard to believe the writer’s words about color blindness. Blaming Biden for any and all problems is also fundamentally dishonest.
“The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.”–Mark Twain
You are totally right. Sadly, it has become a complete and total waste of time to respond rationally to these MAGA zealots. They couldn’t find the truth with a flashlight because they simply don’t want to know.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I write respectfully, and get called, in order, a hypocrite, a liar, and a fool—in one letter, mind you. Oh wait, these are tears of laughter! Good thing you didn’t indulge in “insults, lies, and personal attacks” or I might really be smarting. I would say more—in a respectful manner, as always—but my pointed responses rarely see print. So, respectfully, I disagree more than you could possibly imagine. But please knock yourself out trying.
As my Grandmother used to say, “If the shoe fits, you gotta wear it.”
Your posts have consistently endorsed the anti-democratic, unlawful, sadistic, hate based movement that has divided America in order to obtain power.
The only Trump Derangement Syndrome I recognize is Trump’s own malevolent power over his supporters that causes them to lose reason and act against their own and their country’s best interests. You cannot claim to be a responsible adult if you support the S### Show that is currently unfolding in Washington.
Please spare me your faux indignation and claims of civility. The current situation is not within any reasonable boundaries of political disagreement. It is about attacking and slandering people who have worked for this country in good faith. It is about nothing less than burning down the American house. It is as serious a demonstration of incivility as I have seen in my lifetime in my country.
See my response to David A. To your previous insults, slights, and personal attacks you add “anti-democratic, unlawful, sadistic, hate based” and an “(ir)responsible adult” with “faux indignation” and “claims of civility”. I’m blushing; you really get me. I salute your honesty in dispensing with civility altogether.
Hit the nail on the head!!! It is the faux indignation and claims of civility (sometimes respect is used in its place) that makes me dismiss anything that is said. It is one of the reasons why anyone who doesn’t present as white doesn’t last long in the “public square.” It is an abuse of power, but more fundamentally, it’s an abuse of trust – manipulation 101. The independents and conservatives that I respect come to the table in good faith. They also don’t hate. I know Libertarians who are donating to Muslims refugees, Independents who are ready to hide undocumented migrants and conservatives who have shown people the door after hearing something anti-Semitic. I also know Republicans who voted for the President because they want their tax breaks and screw everything else! While I don’t agree with putting material goods over human lives, at least I respect their honesty. Hard echo for “The current situation is not within any reasonable boundaries of political disagreement.”
I could not have said it better!
Rita you said it extremely well. It’s the height of white male fragility to cry every time they are called out for their ignorance and bigotry! They seem to believe that Trump’s election is the final word on everything, as if we don’t have elections for federal offices every 2-4 years. Trump became President in 2017 and the GOP lost the House (bigly!) in 2018. Let’s see what 2026 brings!
But are enjoying 2025 immensely! Aren’t you? Just the confirmed Cabinet members to date are a reason to be happy.
And, go DOGE!
As I said, it is shocking how close to the surface the darkest side of human nature can be.
Your comment triggered the usual TDS suspects. While I realize they are very fragile after losing everything in the past election – and perhaps deserving of some pity for the time being, I agree that Mr. President Trump owes no apologies to anyone; the past administration is another story, however.
Sorry Erik–I call BS. You are advocating for the destruction of American civil society. You are making arguments for untruths.
Your are slandering a good public servant (Biden) and elevating a monster. I cannot believe that you think that the destruction unfolding in Washington is a positive thing.
Your claims of TDS and similar cannot whitewash the fact that you are advocating for incivility and destruction. We have seen this level of inhumanity unfold in other countries. Now it is taking hold in our own.
Speaking of former President Biden, and the concomitant Star Chamber running the WH for four years, here’s more from a favorite of mine:
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
Thomas Sowell
You lost the election. As Obama himself famously said, “Elections have consequences.’’ Complain all you want; it makes no difference now. USAID, FBI, CIA, Dept. of Education, etc.; time to be accountable and punished.
Oh, the joy.
My dad fought in WWII so that we would not have this on American soil. He would have recognized your movement for what it is. I am happy that he did not have to live to see this. He was the son of immigrants by the way. A birthright citizen who volunteered and served proudly.
Your “joy” comes at the expense of humanity and perhaps the planet. It is sad that you have to obtain your joy by harming others. And then to celebrate it. . .
I think it’s rich that you believe in some imaginary “Star Chamber” under Biden and yet you don’t have a word to say about billionaires running things under “DOGE” – Musk and his team of children (hateful ones to boot) are in the driver’s seat, breaking laws daily, and not a peep. TDS is real because Trump is deranged.
“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”
― Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist who died in 1937, after 11 years of imprisonment. Rounded up and imprisoned under the pretext of alleged attempts on Mussolini’s life.
Very ironic that I learned about the probable future at my business school. I guess the professor knew Finance, Economics, Marketing and Accounting wouldn’t matter much in a time of monsters.
Your commitment to delusion is astonishing. I don’t mean that as an attack. Just an observation. The “end criminal alien occupation of our cities” is all made up, just like “they’re eating all the cats and dogs”. Donald has declared war on us all. That’s why he is dismantling everything he thinks he can get away with.
He wants to be king and the rest of us his servants to bow and bend so he can feel good about himself after all his many many failings. Donald Trump is a greedy child person. I don’t say this as an insult. It is simply an easy observation for anyone who can look without preconceived notions.
I want you to know, I think you are fundamentally a smart person.
That is why I’m recommending you look up Rich Logis, a former MAGA, Donald Trump believer. He has an interesting story where he discovers how it was that he believe in Donald so much. Check him out. Here’s a small quote-
“That myth is why MAGA supporters can hold contradictory beliefs. They can admirer a billionaire like Elon Musk while railing against ‘global elites.’ They can decry ‘welfare’ while demanding government assistance for their own businesses. They can blame liberals for their hardships while the ultra-wealthy they support rig the system against them.”
I hope you can check him out.
Thank you for the compliment, David, even if that means the only excuse for what I believe is insanity, not stupidity. I’m joking; you don’t imply that. (I think some of my comments don’t see the light of day here because my sense of humor isn’t always apparent.) I’m afraid I don’t agree with Rich Logis. At all. But it takes all kinds in this world. Ex-MAGA, closet MAGA, Never Trump, Ever Trump, the whole spectrum of political goofball-ery. (I won’t burden you with a list of at least Trump-adjacent writers and academics who were once adamantly opposed to him.) I strongly believe we—right and left both—are on thin ice when describing what the other side believes and feels. I’m sure you can relate to rolling your eyes or gritting your teeth when someone begins “Liberals think…”. I can assure you I do when the Left ascribes feelings to the Right. I’ve tried to purge the practice from my speech and writing. What I try to do instead is tell others what I believe and why. I will never convince anyone they are wrong, because they are not. Not about their beliefs, they’re not. I voted Democrat consistently for a quarter-century, until I realized that just wasn’t who I was anymore. Maybe it never was, but I was raised a liberal/leftist. (You think I take abuse here? Come to Thanksgiving at my house!) Now that I think for myself, I’m much more comfortable with my beliefs. I answer arguments on the issues, but dismiss ad hominem attacks (which aren’t supposed to be allowed here anyway). They better describe the slanderer than describe me. Let that go for both sides, all sides. Thanks again for the olive branch, and to be continued…
We hear you. You are not alone.
Donald and his hench men and women do not play by the rules. They have no honest morals.
He has been given unlimited power by the supreme court, and he’s using it without a care.
I hope the Democrats stop limiting themselves to the rules as by doing so we are all losing.
We have to be Bold. Do what has to be done no matter the consequence.
Shame on the republicans for their evil intentions isn’t enough.
Bold action is required to save our once honorable and great beacon of democracy that has been demoted to a corrupt hypocrisy.
Echo “We hear you. You are not alone.”
I agree 100%! It is profoundly disturbing to see the scary rise in sundown towns fall on deaf ears; white nationalists chanting “Jews will not replace us” with ZERO shame or even face covers; immigrants who do the essential work and pay taxes with no path to citizenship hunted down and caged; the silencing of Muslims because monied interests care more about access to the Middle East than the rights of Muslims, Christians or Jews who all originated from that land between the river and the sea; and all violent crime going down with the exception of domestic violence and Congress doing nothing but endangering women and children.
I shut off network TV 20 months ago. I have never consumed cable news TV because the first time I saw CNN and Fox, I thought it was Sesame Street for adults. Rinse and repeat. In one case, I learned nothing and and in the other case, I felt I lost brain cells. I know more and more people who have ended their relationship with the media. The press conference after the DC crash in which persons were disabilities, the most vulnerable among us, were tarred and feathered was the last straw for some TV news junkies that I know. The mocking of the NYT journalist with arthrogryposis in 2015 should have been the nail in the coffin. It was for me.
The Pope has come to the defense of some of these populations that are being dehumanized in plain sight. For not denying the existence of persons born “this way”, this administration wants to re-wage the Protestant Reformation with the Pope. Luther was not wrong because the Catholic Church needed reform. He was wrong because the ultimate authority in Catholicism rests with the Pope, and not a bible, congregation or secular leader. Speaking of religious leaders, we do need them to speak out, now more than ever. The world would be better off with more Bonhoeffers and Martin Luther Kings. We also need more RFK Seniors and Malcom Xs. Despite being portrayed as the violent MLK, Malcolm elevated the care economy — the raising and nurturing of human beings — with his breakfast and lunch programs and literacy classes, which have been adopted by many municipalities and states.
No one is better than anyone else, but some Americans really need to become better. Airing grievances, wrapping yourselves in flags and crowns of thorns, and propping up a mock meritocracy — how does corporate ranked performance reviews, a rate of 50% legacy admissions at the Ivies or a 75% rate of financial inheritance among the wealthy equal merit? — will do no one any favors, particularly those who are so perturbed that their race or gender or religion doesn’t give them some advantage over others or the right to not do the work. The advantage in survival of species is adaptability, not the petrification of culture or elevation of attributes not bound by context. Instead of being a Jordan Peterson or Scott Peterson, be Commander Dan Peterson or Henry Roy Peterson. The later are the real strong men. The former need some serious therapy to deal with their profound and debilitating insecurities, and the rest of us don’t need to deal with it.
Thanks for the OP-ED.
*Roger Troy Peterson, the conservationist, whom President Carter gave the Freedom of Honor Medal, not Henry Roy. I had Henry the V on the brain.
And it is Tory, not Troy.
Yes, 100% correct! I brain spazzed again!
Thank Dog it’s Friday
To Mr. Fahey above comments. Oh, do I have something to say about DOGE! Here is what Musk and [very competent company] has uncovered from USAID. I would say most people find this waste of money outrageous. Do you? Let’s see who the deranged ones are.
$15 million for condoms to the Taliban through USAID.
$446,700 to promote the expansion of atheism in Nepal through the State Department.
$1 million to boost French-speaking LGBTQ groups in West and Central Africa through the State Department.
$14 million in cash vouchers for migrants at the southern border through the State Department.
$20,600 for a drag show in Ecuador through the State Department.
$47,020 for a transgender opera in Colombia through the State Department.
$32,000 for an LGBTQ-centered comic book in Peru through the State Department.
$55,750 for a climate change presentation warning about the impact of climate change in Argentina to be led by female and LGBT journalists through the StateDepartment.
$3,315,446 for “being LGBTQ in the Caribbean” through USAID.
$7,071.58 for a BIPOC speaker series in Canada through the State Department.
$80,000 for an LGBTQ community center in Bratislava, Slovakia through the State Department.
$3.2 million to help Tunisian migrants readjust to life in Tunisia after deportation through the State Department.
$16,500 to foster a “united and equal queer-feminist discourse in Albanian society” through the State Department.
$10,000 to pressure Lithuanian corporations to promote “DEI values” through the State Department.
$8,000 to promote DEI among LGBTQ groups in Cyprus through the State Department.
$1.5 million to promote job opportunities for LGBTQ individuals in Serbia through USAID.
$70,884 to create a U.S.-Irish musical to promote DEI in Ireland through the State Department.
$39,652 to host seminars at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on gender identity and racial equality through the State Department.
$2.5 million to build electric vehicle charging stations in Vietnam’s largest cities through USAID.
$425,622 to help Indonesian coffee companies become more climate and gender friendly through USAID.
Thanks for the comment, if you have a link to the info that would be helpful.
Indeed. Here it is:
I misspelled USAID. Could you please edit the extra A?
Brian Mast’s bloviating self promotion is hardly proof of anything. This is nothing more than a press release. There is so much lying going on that one would need independent confirmation of any of these “facts”. Just ’cause a
Republican Congressman says so don’t make it true. Especially these days.
Dismantling USAID will certainly cause pain and suffering in the third world. I am dismayed to find out that others’ suffering brings you joy.
We do not have to convince you of anything. It does not matter.
What is relevant here is that USAID is being dismantled. The Dept. of Education is next.
Feel free to send your personal checks to third world countries; my tax dollars are off the table now.
Of course! Finding truth is irrelevant as long the information one sees agrees with one’s angry impulses.
Isn’t it rich when the press release of a MAGA politician is used to provide “proof” of anything?
We are encouraged to provide links to back up our opinions here. No problem with that, long overdue. Erik has. Let me add mine. President Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/07/10/trump-project-2025-heritage-foundation-fact-check/74340278007/
That’s from seven months ago, long enough to have sunk in. We can disagree about this or that policy (do we ever!), but if we make claims that are patently false (i.e. beyond mere disagreement), we deserve to be challenged. Challenge accepted.
As usual the situation is more complicated than you think. The USA Today article doesn’t go very deep at all–no surprise there.
The cite three sources for their fact check. Two are either Project 2025 itself or the Heritage Foundation. The other is a Donald Trump post on Truth Social. That is lazy journalism at its peak. It’s like questioning the fox about the chicken feathers in its mouth. Of course they SAY that there is no connection. Don’t believe it for a minute.
True journalism endeavors to flesh out stories in their complexity. Few things in human affairs are simple. In this case, you really have to look at the constellation of the right wing policy environment. There is quite a lot of ugly there. And Trump’s actions bear a striking resemblance to Project 2025’s goals.
Sorry, your claim of false accusations simply doesn’t hold water.
Go read A Guide to Project 2025 at FactCheck.org, particularly the last segment about Democrats lying about it. I would expect your ample criticism of FactCheck.org afterwards.
Yeah, read ALL of FactCheck.org. It documents the endless lies from Trump before and after his inauguration. Careful what you wish for, buddy! You love to cherry pick the hyper-partisan things to support your arguments while pretending we can’t see the larger picture. The courts are throwing out Trump’s actions left and right because, while popular with MAGA, they are in facts illegal. His handpicked lackey VP may deny it, but the courts trump Trump!
Actually I read the Fact Check article and come away with a wildly different take. One hundred forty members of the first Trump administration had at least some role in the document. Six former Trump administration figures including Russell Vought wrote major sections.
It is essentially a blueprint for fascist rule, plain and simple. It is scripture for the dehumanization of people and further enhancing the inequality that has caused so much distress among our fellow Americans.
Right out of Mussolini’s Doctrine of Fascism.
Challenge taken. Donald Trump lied, as he often does, and he has both appointed many Project 2025 leaders to key positions (most importantly OMB Director) and has sought to implement many of the Project 2025 priorities via his executive orders (many of which are in court challenges, some successful ones so far).
Your turn!
BBC? Right. I guess MSNBC and NPR are your next sources. Good work!
BBC is a reliable and trusted news source. Unless you are a right wing ideologue.
When you have no legitimate response to make, you trash the source. Sorry it isn’t Fox (wait, weren’t they required to pay Dominion $800 million for lying about their voting machines in their “coverage”?) You do enjoy entertaining yourself and your friends by posting your comments. Fact: Trump supports Project 2025. You can’t even begin to prove otherwise.
Well…I see one Mr. Fahey stating “TDS is real because Trump is deranged”. Such is a false statement. So, should we require one Mr. Fahey to produce a link to its source?
Probably not, because given the suspected source, we just do not care. Same goes to David and his “Donald Trump is a greedy child person”. Oh, please, where did you get this?
We see a pattern here. Ad hominem attacks is the best they can do when the truth eludes them. Keep them coming, as they qualify the sources better than any links.
Donald Trump is not only an greedy child, but a malignant narcissist and a sociopath.
This fact is pretty much self evident to most grown ups.
It is stunning how close to the surface the darkest sides of human nature really are.
In a waiting room on my phone, so I have time to dissect this. Here is the problem with using this link to support the assertion that Trump has noting to with Project 2025. It states Trump is not the author of Project 2025 or behind it. I did not need a fact checker to tell me Trump is not the author, since Project 2025 is clearly the work of wonks, and Trump is not a wonk. Then, the article quotes the WT, “Trump, however, has sought to publicly distance himself from the effort.” How? Nominating Russel Vought the co-author and “architect” (as Forbes magazine has labelled him) for Director of the Office of Management and Budget is not distancing. Some would say that is a full-on embrace. So to say that Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025 is at best a half-truth. He didn’t author, and he doesn’t like every item, but he is nonetheless implementing it. He, alone, has the nominating power. He could have nominated a wonk from the Brookings Institute or CATO Institute, but he didn’t. He nominated someone from the Heritage Foundation which is behind Project 2025. Not only that, he nominated the co-author. Fact checks are good and facts exist without context (as in just because we didn’t see the sun today, doesn’t mean it didn’t rise). However, context matters. If I am sad that I lost half my weight, then is it wrong to be sad.? Maybe if I was originally 200 pounds. Maybe not if I was originally 600 pds. So was his having nothing to do with Project 2025 true in July, but not now? When does implementation not make someone a participant in a plan? Have people not gone along with programs in which there was misalignment between the person and the program? Is the president being held hostage by a bunch of wonks? Or is this another example of bad faith?
Rita we all know Trump supports this because he has appointed their leaders and tried to enact their policies. Not all, but many. The opposition can claim otherwise but there is no basis in fact to support that. Won’t stop them for a minute.
Yes. His actions speak louder than his words.
Time for me to stop contributing to the current forum. The sound of heads exploding is too much to bear, not to mention the increasingly angrier and, frankly, boring monotonous responses from the same tiny, tiny group.
I’ll shut up now. Mercifully, the others will do the same. Not holding my breath, however.
At least your responses see print, Erik. It is utterly defeating to put the time, thought, and effort into writing a comment, only to see it disappear into thin air when posting or never emerge from comment limbo. I doubt we change any minds, but I do think our comments remind people that even the one party state of Massachusetts has diversity of opinion. That diversity is a dirty word, but I bet we’ve both been called worse than we’ve been called here.
“The dogs are barking, Sancho. It’s a sign we’re moving ahead.”
Getting back to the OP, there are people in Watertown who will not stand down for any racism or other -ism. Hopefully this episode in an Ohio neighborhood confronting a gang of neo Nazis would inspire other towns. Free speech is a two way street, and this neighborhood showed them that.
I had seen on a social media platform that another Ohio community had thrown canned vegetables at another gang of Nazis. I would have advised pies and tomatoes, but on second thought Nazis don’t deserve soft and squishy, nor does the Klan. Since I won’t condone assault, try expletives and a few your mothers are so… though their mothers might be their cousins because of their fetish to keep the race pure. They are stupidly weird. Remember, if you see something, say something and then quote Big Papi – “This is our F****** city. And nobody’s gonna dictate our freedom”
On this, we are as one, Ms. Colafella.