Planning Board Scrutinizes Pleasant Street Project, Sends it Back for Redesign

The proposed project on a thin strip of land at 385-393 Pleasant Street ran into problems at the Watertown Planning Board, when board members had problems with the density of the project and particularly with how close some of the new buildings would be to houses behind the project. 

The Planning Board voted last week to continue the discussion of the project at the intersection of Pleasant and Rosedale Road, which proposes to have 58 apartments, townhouses and 11,500 sq. ft. of commercial space. The design team for the developers – Amstel Heritage Watertown LLC – already appeared before the Planning Board in November and brought back an altered plan that removed one of the townhouse buildings on the east end of the site. The unites were moved on top of the existing warehouse building on the west side of the project.

Second Community Meeting Planned for Project at 385 Pleasant Street

A second community meeting about the proposed residential and commercial project on the long, thin property along Pleasant Street near Rosedale Road will be held on July 27. Developers  Amstel Heritage LLC will host the meeting about the mixed-use development which includes 58 residential units and 11,567 sq. ft. of commercial space planned to be built at 385 Pleasant St., Watertown. The meeting will be on Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Watertown Police Station, 552 Main Street, Watertown.