School Projects, Parks Big Part of Watertown’s 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan

Reconstructing Watertown’s public schools and renovating some of the parks in town made up a significant part of the conceptual recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2020-24 Capital Improvement Plan, which were approved by the Town Council on Tuesday. The Capital Improvement Plan covers five years, and includes more than $503 million in possible spending on construction, building repairs, vehicles, and equipment. The amount budgeted for Fiscal Year 2020 (which starts July 1, 2019) is $11,196,937 or about 7.6 percent of the total Town Budget. On Tuesday, the Council gave approval to a list of 29 conceptual recommendations on the FY20-24 Capital Improvement Plan. Much of the work will be paid for by money borrowed by the Town, but some will be paid through the money collected through property taxes, grants and other ways.

Schools, Streets Make Up Big Part of Watertown’s 5 Year Capital Plan

The town would spend nearly $450 million on building projects and equipment under the recommended five-year Capital Improvement Plan. The plan is nearly $80 million higher than the five-year plan for 2018-22, due in part to upcoming school building projects.Town Manager Michael Driscoll presented the conceptual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2019-23 Tuesday night. The plan will be considered by the Council’s Budget & Fiscal Oversight Committee as it considers the budget for Fiscal Year 2019, which begins June 30, 2018. The Building for the Future school renovation or rebuilding projects makes up a large portion of the plan. The plan has $283.7 million set aside in total, with $125.1 million for the three elementary schools and $158.6 million for the high school project.

Council Approves Town Building Renovations, Vehicle Purchases

Watertown’s capital improvement plans will focus on repairs to the some schools, library, two fire stations and Town Hall, as well as purchasing new vehicles. Tuesday night, the Council approved the Fiscal 2016-20 Capital Improvement Plan Tuesday night. See the entire list of recommendations adopted by the council by clicking here. The Council is working on the Fiscal 2016 budget, which begins on July 1, 2015. But it also includes recommendations from Fiscal 2013, 2014 and 2015.

See if Your Road be Repaired This Summer

(NOTE: The list of roads to be repaired in the summer of 2014 has been changed. See the new list by clicking here.)

The Town Council has plans to repair a number of roads over the summer, see if your street made the list. The Fiscal 2015 budget, which will be approved on June 10, includes a capital improvement plan that calls for the repair of 12 streets, and money for smaller repairs around town. The streets due to be repaired are:

Fifield Street from Irving Street to Perkins School
Avon Road from the Belmont line to the dead end
Alden Road from the Belmont line to the dead end
Salisbury Road from Maplewood Street to Edgecliffe Road
Priest Road from Charles River Road to Riverside Street
Loomis Avenue from Orchard Street to Downey Street
Duff Street from Madison Avenue to Belmont Street
Barnard Avenue from Columbia Street to Bellevue Road
Lincoln Street from Mount Auburn Street to Spruce Street and the section extending to Walnut Street
Dexter Avenue from Willow Park to Mount Auburn Street
Katherine Road from Common Street to Church Street
Cushman Street from Oak Place to Fayette Street

Work on Salisbury, Loomis, Duff and Barnard from Columbia Street to Orchard Street will be repaired using the mill and overlay method, which scrapes down the top layer or layers of asphalt and then lays down a new layer. The other work will involve full reclamation of the road – in which the roadway is totally replaced.