LETTER: Meeting TONIGHT on Future of Former Trampoline Park

There is a VERY IMPORTANT meeting of the Planning Board tonight, May 8, at 7 p.m. regarding the 10-30 Manley Way proposed development. This is the site of the former Launch Trampoline Park and the Boston Rhythmic Dance Studio, which has been vacant for some time. There was a community meeting on September 5, 2023 that almost never happened. It was found out that our city rules needed to be amended so that a conversion of a 95,000 building required a community meeting for any type of change in such a building, not in just a newly planned one. About 70 plus residents attended this meeting via Zoom and the myriad of questions raised was quite impressive.

LETTER: Lifelong Resident Concerned About Rapid Changes in Watertown

I was born and raised in Watertown, as was my father and my grandparents before him. My grandfather was born on July 29th 1876, right where you can now catch the 57 bus. When my grandmother died in 1973 her obituary stated that she had 126 descendants, mostly born right here in Watertown. My grandfather and three of my uncles were Watertown Firefighters, and two were police. My father and three of his brothers were WWII veterans.

Life Science Campus at Former Cannistraro Site Approved

A view of the life science building from Acton Street in the newly approved project on the former Cannistraro property on Pleasant Street. (Courtesy of Broder)

The Planning Board approved plans to build a life science cluster on land off of Pleasant Street, but had concerns about the proximity of the project to the residential neighborhood to the north. The hearing at Wednesday night’s meeting was the second for the project, and it lasted more than 3.5 hours. The complex will have add a four-story, 133,324 sq. ft.

LETTER: Part 2: My City of Watertown New Year’s Predictions & Ninth City Resolution

By Linda ScottWatertown Resident

These are my opinions, based upon hundreds of conversations, attending numerous City meetings, and making thousands of observations over the past few years. I hope that they can stimulate conversation and help busy Watertown folks focus on some of the current issues. Things to be on the lookout for in 2024, if these City resolutions are not taken to heart by our City Councilors:

1 – Expect the assault on residents’ quality of life to continue:

Short-Term Rentals. That’s where your neighbors are allowed to run an informal hotel business out of their homes right next door to you. (And the City gets to collect a fee).

Planning Board Approves Master Plan for Watertown Mall Transformation

The master plan for Alexandria Real Estate’s Watertown Mall Transformation was approved by the Planning Board. (Courtesy of Alexandria Real Estate)

The basic plan for remaking a large portion of Arsenal Street, including the Watertown Mall, has been approved by the Planning Board. Before the multiple lab buildings, residential units, retail, and garages can be built, however, developers will have to come back for approval of each building. Almost all of the project falls within Watertown’s Regional Mixed Use District (RMUD), which allows for additional height and density that most of the town but requires a master plan to be approved. On Nov.

OP-ED: Truth or Consequences — The MBTA Communities Law

By Clyde YoungerWatertown Resident & Candidate for City Council President

I prefix my comments by saying, without any hesitation, the Planning Department must be re organized. It is my firm belief the Department is misleading the citizens of Watertown. The change must begin at the top. I am not saying the Assistant City Manager/Director of Planning and Development should be fired; however, the Buck ends with this position. My recommendation is he should be laterally transferred into a different position within the administration.

LETTER: A Good Week for Democracy in Watertown

By Linda ScottWatertown Resident

Are We There Yet? No, but we’re inching closer …

More Community Involvement

Last week was a good week for democracy in Watertown! On Wednesday night there was a meeting of the Committee on Economic Development and Planning in regard to expanding community meetings for big developments in Watertown. Although I think that there could have been a better structure for the meeting, it was still greatly appreciated. And I think that it was nothing but a show of community disrespect for the Director of the Department of Community Development and Planning Steven Magoon to dash off his suggestions at the very last minute, not posting them for the public to review.

LETTER: Let’s Talk About Community Involvement — Important Meeting Alert

By Linda ScottWatertown Resident

On September 21st there was a very important meeting to vote on the WatertownComprehensive Plan, a document that is meant to guide the City’s decisions for the next few years. I guess with a meeting this important and long time coming, I don’t understand why there was any confusion on how it should be conducted. God knows, we’ve had enough time to sort that out. The public was told that they would have time to speak in the beginning and then at the end, after hearing the remarks by the City Councilors and the Planning Board members and before the vote was taken. Because of this, many of us were waiting to hear what was said before we responded.