Sheri Kennedy
Local artist and facilitator Sheri Kennedy captured the 2018 Unity Breakfast in words and pictures.
The 2018 Watertown Unity Breakfast was another resounding success – with over 400 participants gathering at the Hellenic Center on January 15 to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., organizers announced.
As in previous Unity Breakfast events, the program included lively music, an inspiring and informative keynote address, winners of the Middle School and High School essay contests, murals and rap lyrics from Middle School students, and a presentation of the annual Unity Award for outstanding community service. And a hearty breakfast served by the Watertown Deluxe Diner.
Local press coverage of the 2018 was extensive – with articles in both online and print versions of the Watertown Tab, the online Watertown News, and video of the entire event by WCATV (the local cable television station).
In addition, however, Unity Breakfast organizers have made available an unusual and creative record of this year’s Unity Breakfast – “sketch notes”, colorful hand-drawn notes and illustrations created by local artist Sheri Kennedy. Kennedy is an artist, educator, and a professional graphic facilitator. She is the Chief Creativity
Alchemist/Artist for Fusionary Thinking (www.fusionarythinking.com), a Watertown based organizational consulting firm specializing in graphic facilitation, recording, and design.
Here are her notes that capture the energy, ideas, and participants in this year’s Watertown Unity Breakfast.