Greetings friends and fellow Watertownites,
I am writing this letter to enthusiastically endorse Jen Nicholson in her campaign for School Committee. I actually could not fathom a more perfect candidate for the job. Jen’s background leaves her uniquely qualified for a seat on our School Committee. She has had roles in all sides of the school system which will inform how she makes decisions for our school as a whole.
The Watertown Schools are part of who Jen Nicholson is as a person. She began as a student, returned as a substitute teacher and instructional aide, and after serving as an elementary teacher out of the district, became a proud parent of two Cunniff Cougars. At Cunniff as a parent, Jen has served as a PTO officer for four years. Jen is someone who enthusiastically supports education in this town and her enthusiasm inspires others to do the same. One of the things I love about Jen is that she has a view of both old Watertown and the Watertown we are now becoming. I feel she uses this unique perspective to advocate for all members of the community because she understands Watertown so well. Understanding the people in a community is important when you are hoping to speak for them as their representative.
While Jen is looking to be elected to the School Committee, she is no politician. By actually having taught in the classroom, she holds a distinct advantage over the average politician. Jen will have a better eye, on the district level, on what kind of programs can actually have positive effects in the classroom versus programs that would be a waste of our time and money. She understands the pragmatics of what works and what doesn’t work in a classroom and would use this knowledge to better support our teachers. And of course, to save money for the district!
Jen is very approachable and is already someone many people turn to when we need help navigating the red tape of the district (or just need to vent!). She advocates for other parents to the administration when there is confusion or a concern for certain policies. She was a lifesaver when it came to navigating all of these new COVID policies and procedures, keeping up with both district information and CDC information as a whole.
If you vote for Jen Nicholson for School Committee, you are voting to strengthen the Watertown Public Schools as a whole. Hope to see you all on November 2!
Stephanie Fagnani
Mom of Two Cunniff Cougars
Big Fan of Jen Nicholson
(NOTE: The deadline for submitting election letters is Thursday, Oct. 28. They can be submitted to watertownmanews@gmail.com)