Residents Wanted to Serve on the Community Preservation Committee

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The City of Watertown seeks applications from residents seeking to serve on the Community Preservation Committee. See information below.

City Manager George J. Proakis is inviting Watertown residents to apply for membership on the Community Preservation Committee. Interested applicants should complete and submit a Universal Application.

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) makes recommendations for the use of Community Preservation funds for initiatives related to open space, outdoor recreation, historic resources, and community housing. The CPC has the following key responsibilities:  study the community preservation needs, possibilities, and resources of Watertown; solicit input from City Boards and Commissions and hold an annual public hearing to solicit public input; prepare a Community Preservation Plan and application process for vetting project proposals; vote on a slate of project recommendations and submit them to the City Council; submit an annual budget to the City Council; and keep records regarding all CPC meetings, project applications, funding recommendations, and annual budgetary reports.

2 thoughts on “Residents Wanted to Serve on the Community Preservation Committee

  1. Why is it that Watertown residents don’t want to participate in their government? They all want to complain about how they are governed.

  2. Sad but true. Social media has made it much worse. Keyboard warriors who would never step up to actually serve in government and try to solve problems, but who have endless time to complain on-line. To be fair, I actually do both – I serve and comment!

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