The City of Watertown and Watertown Community Conversations will host a community discussion about accessory dwelling units (ADU), also known as in-law units. The input from the event will help inform how Watertown’s ADU Ordinance is written. See information in the announcement from the City, below.
Save the Date! The Affordable Housing Trust (AHT), in partnership with Watertown Community Conversations (WCC), will be hosting an “Accessory Dwelling Units Community Dialogue” on Monday, March 24, 2025 from 6 to 8:30 PM, at the at the Coolidge School Apartments, 319 Arlington Street, including time at the beginning for attendees to enjoy light food and beverages.
The rest of the evening will consist of a short presentation by the AHT and Community Development & Planning, small group dialogues facilitated by WCC, and a subsequent large group summary. The Trust plans to use the community feedback to propose an accessory dwelling units ordinance to the Council.
More details about the meeting will be released closer to the meeting date.