LETTER: Fire Union President Responds to Letter on Arbitration, Contract

Mr. Airasian,

While we at Local 1347 appreciate your many contributions to bettering our community and applaud your stance in supporting your choice of candidates for Town Council we take great exception to the fact that you chose to attack our members in the process. 

(See John Airasian’s letter by clicking here)

Your complete lack of knowledge or understanding of the events that led to the 6.5 year impasse between the Town and the Local is evident in your commentary. That you have chosen to insult us in defense of those councilors who chose to thumb their noses at a state mandated resolution process is the ultimate sign of desperation by you on their behalf. In your letter you state the local enjoyed “some support” in town. If you consider the several hundred lawn signs proudly displayed throughout town “some support” your candidates should hope for the same “some support.” To say that we were pleased with the “some support” you referenced is an understatement and it was that very support that emboldened us to continue our fight for fairness.

Union Approves Proposed Watertown Firefighters Contract

Watertown’s firefighters approved the contract proposal Wednesday night, and after more than six years the contract is one step from being approved. Members of Local 1347 voted on the memorandum of understanding reached by the negotiating teams from the fire union and the town last week. Fire Union President Rob Mannix said it “passed comfortably,” but did not give any further details. The contract must now be approved by the Town Council before it will be officially approved. Firefighters have been at this point before.

Watertown Fire Contract Takes Big Step Toward Being Settled

The Watertown Fire Union leaders and town officials have come to an agreement on the disputed Watertown Firefighters Contract, but the contract is not a done deal, yet. The memorandum of agreement was reached on Thursday, said Rob Mannix, president of Local 1347 Firefighters Union. Before the contract can be officially adopted the union and Town Council must approve the deal. “The Watertown Firefighters are thrilled that we were able to settle our contract Thursday,” Mannix said. “This has been a long, hard, draining battle that we are more than happy to put in out rear view.” Mannix did not give details of the proposed contract.