3 thoughts on “Changes to Arsenal Park Could Result from Renovation of Arsenal Mall

  1. Magoon is in over his head yet again, just as with the development on Arsenal street he is being reactive and not proactive with town and community involvement. I don’t see how it is ever to early to involve the community with a committee with a project that is going to define east Watertown.

  2. Yes a commitee for this park is just the thing needed with residents from Watertown as stakeholders too and not just one but at least 4 of varying ages and needs. We certainly could use another field at this park as space is limited

  3. Enough already. Could the name calling and constant complaining stop? If you have concerns, questions, thoughts – pro or con – could you share them on the coUrbanize site? By the way, have you ever spoken to Steve directly about any of your concerns?

    After Wednesday’s meeting I asked a friend/resident who’s an athlete to take a reconnaissance walk at Arsenal Park (and Filippello) on Saturday to brainstorm ideas given Watertown’s open space and recreational needs. We had a great time, came up with some ideas, have some homework to do, and we’ll share our ideas with Steve and add it to the community conversation. We both are are “move the ball forward” kind 0f people trying to figure out how to do the best for our town. People are never going to agree 100% of the time but please take a shot at fighting for a good process. And honestly, if all you want to do is call people out, at least have the guts to use your full name. As adults, anything else is kind of lame.

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