Changing Main Street: Post Office Closes (for Now), Restaurants Coming and Going

Crown CafeDiners enjoy a meal at Crown Cafe on Main Street. The restaurant will soon close after getting a notice to vacate to make way for a new development on Main Street. Over the past couple of weeks, the section of Main Street near Watertown Square has gone through more changes than it has for many years, with the Post Office closing — at least temporarily — restaurants opening and closing, and a new development starting construction soon. On Jan. 26, the Main Street Post Office closed for at least two years.

LETTER: Let’s Talk About Community Involvement — Important Meeting Alert

By Linda ScottWatertown Resident

On September 21st there was a very important meeting to vote on the WatertownComprehensive Plan, a document that is meant to guide the City’s decisions for the next few years. I guess with a meeting this important and long time coming, I don’t understand why there was any confusion on how it should be conducted. God knows, we’ve had enough time to sort that out. The public was told that they would have time to speak in the beginning and then at the end, after hearing the remarks by the City Councilors and the Planning Board members and before the vote was taken. Because of this, many of us were waiting to hear what was said before we responded.

This Week: Council Vote on Part of Mt. Auburn St. Project, ZBA Meets But Big Projects Delayed

The City of Watertown will have to get permission from residents along Mt. Auburn Street to temporarily gain access to a portion of their property during the upcoming construction project. Also this week, the Zoning Board of Appeals will meet, but some anticipated projects will not be heard. City Council

Tuesday night, the City Council will vote on taking of easements to be able to construct the Mt. Auburn Street renovation.

UPDATED: OP-ED: Resident Calls for Celebrating Watertown’s History, Avoid Becoming “Anywhere, USA”

(The author has responded to some of the comments from the original Op-Ed posted on Feb. 8, 2023, see them after the letter:)

First, I want to thank the watertownmanews and the Historical Society of Watertown and Joyce Kelly, in particular, for this Saturday’s trip into Watertown’s past. It seems sometimes that the City of Watertown is engaged in such a head spinning rush to blandness and “anytown-ness” that in the words of Joni Mitchell, “We won’t know what we’ve got till it’s gone.”

In June 2022, Clyde Younger and I presented a proposal that would require a study of old buildings on Main Street, and one in particular (104-106 Main), to see if a local historic district was appropriate. The City Council, without much discussion, unanimously voted down our proposal for a study, one councillor even remarking that there are no old buildings on Main Street. Having been turned down for a historic study of one of the oldest and most historic cities and on one of the oldest and most historic streets in North America, I decided that I would do a study myself.