First Phase of Redevelopment of Watertown Mall to be Discussed at Community Meeting

A view of one of the buildings in the Watertown Mall Transformation Project viewed from the Community Path from the project documents. The following announcement was posted on the City of Watertown’s website:

Alexandria Real Estate Equities (“ARE”) will be hosting a Public Information Meeting in keeping with the Watertown Zoning Ordinance. This notice is for the community meeting required prior to formal application to the Watertown Planning Board. The presentation will include an update, review and discussion of plans relating to the first phase, Phase 1, of the approved Master Plan of the Watertown Mall Transformation Project. The purpose of this meeting is to update the community as to Phase 1 of the Master Plan which provides a collaborative and innovative campus including life science, retail, residential, and community uses, as well as publicly accessible open spaces and streetscape improvements.

Planning Board Approves Master Plan for Watertown Mall Transformation

The master plan for Alexandria Real Estate’s Watertown Mall Transformation was approved by the Planning Board. (Courtesy of Alexandria Real Estate)

The basic plan for remaking a large portion of Arsenal Street, including the Watertown Mall, has been approved by the Planning Board. Before the multiple lab buildings, residential units, retail, and garages can be built, however, developers will have to come back for approval of each building. Almost all of the project falls within Watertown’s Regional Mixed Use District (RMUD), which allows for additional height and density that most of the town but requires a master plan to be approved. On Nov.

LETTER: Group Urges Watertown Mall Redevelopment to be Net Zero Energy

An Open Letter to Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.:

With over 170 people attending your first public meeting on Alexandria’s plan for redevelopment of the Watertown Mall, we know that you are aware of how important this project is to the community of Watertown. We also know that Alexandria has committed to being  “a mission-driven company dedicated to making a positive and lasting impact on the world…”  Your website states that “environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is core to our DNA.”  We have high hopes for this project. Watertown Faces Climate Change, a local climate action group (see affiliations below)  calls on you to do the work to make these buildings Net Zero Energy/Platinum LEED. We know that Alexandria has the capacity to build to these standards because you have done so at 325 Binney St. in Cambridge.