LETTER: Resident Backs Candidate for Congress With New Approach

Dear Editor,

I’m really tired of outlets not really covering things that effect our community, only events happening in our community.  

My family and business are struggling with the increased rise of inflation, rhetoric, and lack of listening to all constituents. Our leaders talk behind closed doors and it’s citizens are either muted or shut out of the process. As evidenced in many school, council, state, and federal meetings during the pandemic and the aftermath. If you don’t share their point of view, you are locked out. Not all of us have extreme views and sometimes a collaboration of ideas create growth. As in business, communities should experience growth and not the status quo.

LETTER: Congressional Candidate Thanks His Supporters During State Primary

Open Letter from Republican Congressional Candidate John Hugo to the People of theMassachusetts 5 th Congressional District:

I want to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate every single person, no matter the party and no matter who you voted for, who took the time to do their civic duty on Tuesday September 4. Our republic only works, indeed can only thrive, if informed citizens participate. I’m truly humbled and honored that 64% of those who voted in the Republican Primary selected me to be the Republican Nominee. I want to congratulate Dr. Louis Kuchner, my primary opponent, for running a spirited campaign that took the high road and focused on issues. He has graciously endorsed my candidacy and pledged his support.

LETTER: Watertown Republicans Announce Endorsement for Congressional Race

The Watertown Republican Town Committee is thrilled to announce that it has unanimously endorsed Republican John Hugo of Woburn to be the Republican Nominee for United States’ Congress in the 5th Congressional District.We believe that Hugo’s strong embrace of the Republican platform, makes him the best choice for voters in the Sept. 4 Primary. Further his energy and commitment make him the best candidate to take the fight the Katherine Clark, whom Hugo describes as “out of touch with needs of the district” adding: “She missing in action and I doubt if she’s ever read the Constitution … if she has, she’s developed a habit of ignoring it!”

“In world full of scripted career politicians like Katherine Clark, John Hugo is a breath of fresh air. He’s a regular working class person that happens to be civic minded and a true patriot” said John DiMascio, the Watertown Republican Committee Chair. “It’s an honor for us to endorse him and a bigger privilege to call him a friend.”

John Hugo has sacrificed much and worked tirelessly to get himself on the ballot.

Republican Announces Bid for Mass. 5th Congressional Seat

The following announcement was sent out by Congressional candidate John Hugo:

Woburn Republican John Hugo officially announces his candidacy for Congress in the MA 5th Congressional district. “I’ve submitted well over the required amount of certified signatures with the Elections’ Division of the Massachusetts Secretary of State and I’ve been certified as a candidate,” said Hugo. 
For nearly a year, John Hugo has been actively reaching out to various Republican and Independent voters throughout the District. “I’ve met with many if not most Republican Ward and Town Committees, along with other grassroots activists. Everywhere I go, I hear the same things: ‘We need someone willing to challenge Katherine Clark. Clarke is out of touch with the District and needs to be held accountable for her extreme views and actions,'” said Hugo … adding “The residents of the 5th Congressional District need a Congressman or woman that will represent the needs of the District and will uphold the Constitution.

Watertown Police Chief Testified Before Congress

Congress wanted to hear from someone with first hand experience dealing with a terrorist attack, so Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau went to Washington Wednesday. Deveau shared the lessons he and his department learned from the events of April 19, when officers faced off with the Boston Marathon Bombing suspects and ultimately caught the second suspect after a multi-hour manhunt. When an event like the one faced in Watertown last year, Deveau told the House Homeland Security Committee, the local law enforcement needs to “have access to the table” with the terrorism task force and right away, according to an Associated Press. See the report on Houston Chronicle site by clicking here. Deveau was joined by Watertown Police Sgt.