LWV Reminds Residents to Vote in the March 1 Presidential Primary

Raya Sern, president of the League of Women Voters of Watertown reminds town residents to get out and vote on Tuesday. Stern sent out the following statement:

“The League of Women Voters of Watertown would like to remind everyone that it is Presidential Primary season again. Every four years we get a chance to tell our politicians our preferences for candidates for President of the United States. Make sure you take this opportunity to make your views known by going to the polls on March 1, 2016.” Voting Info
The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday.

LETTER: Resident, Teacher Supports David Kazis for Democratic State Committee

I am happy and proud to support David Kazis for Democratic State Committee Man on Tuesday, March 1 during the Presidential Primary. He is young, energetic, and ready to serve. I have known David for many years now and watched his commitment to our community and his involvement in political affairs across the state. His experience with City Year and Americorps where he assisted victims from hurricanes Katrina and Rita is inspirational. As a teacher, I know firsthand the importance of putting our children first and I am certain that David will play a big role in helping Watertown and moving the Democratic agenda forward to ensure that the Party is listening and attracting new voters to get involved in the political process.

LETTER: Town Councilor Backs Steve Owens for State Committeeman

To the editor:

I am very pleased to endorse Steve Owens for State Committee in the March 1 Democratic Party Primary election. For the past 8 years, Steve has ably served as Chair of the Watertown Democratic Town Committee and has greatly increased both the number of activities and citizen participation. Steve is the candidate for State Committee that has a proven track record of organizational leadership, supporting candidates, and engaging the voters. As chair of a Town Committee, Steve ran successful Election Day operations with over a hundred volunteers in Watertown. We need Steve on the State Committee because he has the experience to spread those lessons across Massachusetts.

LETTER: State Rep. Hecht Endorses Democratic State Committee Candidate

On March 1, Democrats in Watertown will elect a new representative to the Democratic State Committee. I’m enthusiastically supporting Steve Owens. Steve is one of the savviest and hardest working people in Democratic politics in Massachusetts today and will make a huge contribution to the State Committee. Steve has led our Democratic Town Committee since 2008. One of his earliest challenges as chair was navigating the aftermath of former Representative Rachel Kaprielian’s sudden resignation from her State Rep. seat.

LETTER: Watertown GOP Candidates Get Endorsement from State Group

The Massachusetts Republican Assembly (MARA) and Sharron Angle, former candidate for United States Senate and President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) proudly endorse Deborah Dugan and Steve Aylward for Republican State Committee woman and man respectively in the 2nd Suffolk and Middlesex Massachusetts State Senate District (include Watertown, Belmont, Back Bay, and Brighton). Both MARA and the NFRA are dedicated to reforming the Republican Party and giving the grassroots a greater voice in the policy and direction of the Republican Party. Deborah Dugan and Steve Aylward are dedicated to this same mission. In that spirit they have both signed “The Real Republican Reform Pledge.” (See below). We Confident that as your State Committee representatives Deborah and Steve will represent the interest of the Republicans in of the District.