Five Years Later, Memory of Fallen Watertown Firefighter Lives in Colleagues’ Hearts

Charlie BreitroseWatertown Firefighters place a wreath at the memorial to Joseph Toscano, who died fighting a fire five years ago. March 17, 2017 was one of the darkest days for the Watertown Fire Department. They lost a beloved colleague, Joseph Toscano, during the aftermath of a fire on Merrifield Avenue. On Thursday, Watertown Firefighters showed up in large numbers to remember Joe on the fifth anniversary of his death. Current and former WFD personnel, on-duty and off, lined up several rows deep at the corner of Merrifield and Bigelow avenues at the time of his passing to salute Toscano.

See How to Watch Ceremony for Fallen Watertown Firefighter at National Memorial

Fallen Watertown Firefighter Joseph Toscano will be honored at the national memorial for firefighters on Sunday, and you can watch a live feed. The Town of Watertown provided the following information:

This coming Sunday, Firefighter Joseph Toscano, who died in the line of duty on March 17, 2017, is being memorialized by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation at their memorial in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The following is a link to the live broadcast of the event which starts at 10am. Click Here for Link to Live Feed

Memorial to Fallen Firefighter Dedicated Near Where He Gave His Life Serving Watertown

The corner of Merrifield and Bigelow avenues in East Watertown was the site of a tragedy a year ago, but on Saturday it was a place where family, friends and fellow firefighters came to celebrate the memory of Joseph Toscano. A memorial was unveiled at that corner to honor Toscano, who died in the line of duty while fighting a fire at a home on Merrifield Avenue on March 17, 2017. Current and retired members of the Watertown Fire Department came out for the ceremony in large numbers and were joined by honor guards from Watertown Fire, Watertown Police and members of other fire departments. Two ladder trucks formed an arch over Bigelow Avenue and a podium was set up for the ceremony. Joe’s widow, Maureen, said that all this would have been strange for Toscano.

Memorial for Watertown’s Fallen Firefighter Approved by Town Council

The corner near house where Firefighter Joseph Toscano lost his life during a fire will be named in his memory after the Town Council voted to approve the memorial. 

Town Council President Mark Sideris read the resolution to create the Joseph A. Toscano Memorial in East Watertown last week. “Be it resolved that the Town Council gratefully acknowledges the ultimate sacrifice made by Firefighter Joseph A. Toscano and hereby dedicates a memorial at the corner of Merrifield Avenue and Bigelow Avenue in honor of Firefighter Joseph A, Toscano,” Sideris read. The Council resolution directed Town Manager Michael Driscoll to work with Town Councilor Angeline Kounelis to design an appropriate sign and memorial. The fire that took Toscano’s life occurred in Kounelis’ district in the East End. She added that she believes it is important to have a memorial for a hero like Toscano.

Watertown Firefighters Attend Graduation of Fallen Firefighter’s Son

The Watertown Fire Department was well represented at Blue Hills Regional’s graduation this week where they congratulated Patrick Toscano, the son of their fallen brother, Joe. 

Watertown Deputy Fire Chief Bob Quinn shared a photo on Facebook of the WFD contingent after the ceremony. “We were honored to be there because Patrick Toscano was one of the graduates. We went because Joey T couldn’t. The Toscano’s will always be part of our family. Congratulations Patrick!”