Watertown Remembers the Chaos, Concern and Celebrations During the Shootout & Search for the Marathon Bomber

Police patrolled the streets of Watertown on April 19, 2013, searching for one of the Boston Marathon Bombers. Photo courtesy of Jade Burke. It seems like ages ago and at the same time just like yesterday that Watertown was rocked by gunfire and explosions, then went into lockdown as police scoured homes and yards for the Boston Marathon Bomber, before locating and capturing him in a boat parked on Franklin Street. On April 19, 2023, the 10th anniversary of the Watertown Shootout and Manhunt, Watertown News is sharing the memories of readers of that monumental day in our community. The area was already on edge.

What Do You Remember About Watertown’s Most Historic Event of Recent Times

An evidence photo of Dave Henneberry’s boat parked on Franklin Street, where Marathon Bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found. The Boston Marathon bombings rocked the region 10 years ago this month, and a few days later the situation really got personal for Watertown residents when police tracked down the bombers, battled in the streets of the East End, and then spent the next day searching for the suspect who fled the scene. Watertown News is collecting people’s memories, photos and videos from that time from people who lived here at the time, people who now live here and remember watching the coverage, and other related memories. Some have already written in, recalled getting in touch with her mother, who was awakened by gunshots and explosions. A Westside resident remembers how quiet the day of the search was, as she sat on her porch, while her friend in East Watertown had her home searched by police.

Share Your Memories of the Shootout & Capture of the Boston Marathon Bombers

The aftermath at Laurel Street at Dexter Avenue after the Watertown Police faced the Boston Marathon Bombers. It’s hard to believe that in April it will be an entire decade since the day the Watertown Police faced the Boston Marathon Bombers in the East End, the shelter-in-place during the hunt for the remaining suspect, and the ultimate capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in a boat in the yard of a house on Franklin Street. Watertown News is collecting the stories and photos of people who saw it firsthand, those who lived in town at the time, and even people who didn’t reside here, but remember that day. My Memories

In 2013, I was working for the Patch, and remember awakening not to the sound of gunshots, but to the dings of my cellphones as reporters and editors shot texts back and forth. Imagine my surprise when I realized the Bombers had been tracked down to my town!

Watertown Police Say Goodbye to a Hero & a Good Guy

Sgt. John MacLellan greets one of the many people who came out to say goodbye to him at his retirement ceremony on Tuesday. Watertown Police Chief Michael Lawn summarized Sgt. John MacLellan’s career saying “The world would be a better place if there were John MacLellans in it.” Tuesday afternoon, one of the men involved in the shootout with and capture of the Boston Marathon Bombers got a hero’s farewell at the Watertown Police Station.

Local Insurance Agency Thanks Watertown Police an Anniversary of Capture of Bombers

{The following post was provided by H&K Insurance.}

On April 19th, 2018, five years after the Boston Marathon bombing suspect died in a violent shootout in Watertown, Massachusetts, H&K Insurance hosted a breakfast for the Watertown Police and Fire Department to commensurate the anniversary of this pivotal day. From 10 to 12, a group of hungry officers entered the Community Room to be served hot scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and others pastries – the biggest commodity of them all being coffee. Lining the wall was a buffet style breakfast with a twist, the H&K staff stood one by one to serve them as they serve us every single day. “We are very thankful to the Watertown Police and Fire Department for all of their hard work and service to the community. In wake of what happened five years ago, we couldn’t think of a better way to show our appreciation by preparing a hearty breakfast,” remarked Brian Kilcoyne, President of H&K Insurance.